The fight for equality is ONE fight

I am a 5 foot 3 Asian woman. That’s why I can say this. Asian women—If you don’t stand behind #blacklivesmatter, if you don’t show up for LGBTQ pride, if you don’t stand up for the person next to you that is being discriminated and marginalized, then you are not showing up for yourself. Because it’s all one fight. One fight for equality.

When we speak out against racism, it must ring loud and clear that we are also speaking out against homophobia and misogyny and classism. If our fight for our human rights isn’t intersectional, then it will become lost.

And I’m not just saying this to other Asian women. If you’re a gay white man and you don’t show up for #blacklivesmatter and #metoo—if you’re a white man overseas who has been racially targeted and you’re not showing up for ALL the other people who are marginalized, then you are the one weakening your own voice.

And if you are peacefully protesting right now, and you are not black, then you get up there and you stand in the front lines.

Trust me, there’s no “them”

Trust me, there’s no “them”

It’s heartbreaking and absurd that the words “all lives matter” have become a symbol for white supremacy. In a morally just world, these words would stand for equality, for human rights. But this is the world we have to face because these are the class systems that were built before us.

Things like racial equality, gender equality, LGBTQ equality, it’s all one fight—the fight for equality.

The only way to eliminate racism and sexism is to recognize this. I’m not a Asian woman standing with the black community. I am a human standing tall, proud, and unguarded with my brothers and sisters as I say that before all lives CAN matter here in America, BLACK LIVES MUST MATTER. We’ve got to stand together not as different races, but as humans, because the fight for equality is one fight.

Here is one of the most vivid memories I have of my childhood. My Father and I were at a gas station one evening when we saw a group of black men harassing an Asian man. They were pushing him around, chanting racial slurs, and I jumped out of the car to speak up.

My Father grabbed me and told me to get back in the car as he went to check out what was happening. When he came back, I remember asking him why people were so cruel to each other. I couldn’t, for the life of me, understand why skin color could cause people to do unspeakable things to each other. My Father and I had a long conversation that night about justice and history and government. His opening words were, “trust me, there’s no ‘them.’” And the very last thing he said to me before we went home was—

If you truly want to do something about it, get a good education so you can one day be in a position where you can make real change.

Those words changed the entire course of my life. I wrote in my diary that night,

The only color that matters is the color of your heart and your willingness to open it.

I may have been more naive then, but I meant it. The moment I turned 13, I had my parents sign a work permit so I could start working at the local library. When everyone else was watching TV and hanging out with friends, I was interning at court houses, law firms, and civil rights organizations. I knew what I wanted my life to stand for.

With the heart-shattering murder of George Floyd, I am again reminded of the young girl eager to speak up in the face of injustice. I am reminded that the system is not broken, but was built this way by governments to stay in power. I am reminded that the only way to create a better system is to give people the right thing to stand for, and to give politicians the incentive to stand for the right thing.

Racism is a system. A system invented for control, superiority, ego. Invented to make a group of humans feel “superior” to another human because of the “shade” of someone’s skin. Let’s be frank. If you feel you are better, deserve more, or are entitled to more because of the color of your skin, your mindset needs work.

I’ve had a lot of time to think about what I wish to devote my life to. The past year, I spent a lot of time shaping When Toys Age, and writing “The Revolution on Political Religion,” a political and social discourse—and I realized something. At the core of both messages is this:

The highest advancement of any government is measured by the value placed on each life.

Trust me, there’s no “them”

The Revolution on Political Religion

It’s a strange time for all of us. Today, we sit here witnessing an alarming rise of nationalism comparable to pre-WWII, a rise of radical leaders who preach nationalism above the value of life, and a generation who values freedom, justice, and equality more than ever. Today, our freedom is under attack globally by political religion.

Our entire generation is watching as both government and religion lose the merit they once held. A decade ago, we witnessed Bush, Rumsfeld, and Chenney conspire to deceive the entire world about WMD both nuclear and biological to invade, and occupy Iraq. What followed was a long period of terrorism that hit the world with fear and uncertainty. But amidst all of this, we’re seeing the rise of impact-driven projects and companies. Our voices are stronger, more connected than ever.

We have come to believe that we, the free, are endowed by our nation with the highest freedoms of man — life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And the truest among that, the freedom of thought, the freedom of religion, and the freedom of life. Convinced that the highest honor of a citizen is to serve, protect, and empower his country in any way possible, we have sacrificed our lives to the conspiracy of our leaders, our minds to the chauvinism of our leaders, and our freedom of religion in the name of nationalism.

Over the course of history, the relationship between church and state has found itself in a constant state of correction. We’ve hit an age where the line between politics and religion has again blurred, to the point where we’ve come to worship nationalism as a religion. Perhaps it’s time to revisit this relationship. Because after all, what is a free man, if enslaved by nationalism? 

Any religion, political or not, experienced in pure is wildly beautiful. But when misused to preach superiority, domination, control, it becomes polluted. And when religion becomes so intertwined with identity and emotional belonging, it often develops an immunity to critical reformation. Today, we struggle to understand what it means to love and honor our country. Today, we are in dire need of a course correction.

In the wise words of Albert Einstein, problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them. New times produce new problems, and new problems require new solutions. I’m not naive enough to think that nations will cease their race for power, and so instead, I’d like to offer a new approach—

For long, we’ve measured the advancement of a nation by its resources, technology, access to information, and wealth. It’s time to start measuring the advancement of our nations by the value placed on the life of each man, woman, and child.

I’m on a quest to understand how can we make it politically profitable for politicians to hold the value of life—the value of each man, woman, and child’s life as the highest measurement of any nation of peoples. Make no mistake, this is a global revolution. I may not see it in my lifetime, but I’m not ready to sit around and wait.

Will you join me in finding an answer?

The value of life through a political lens

A year ago, a dear friend and colleague of mine moved to India.

We occasionally get together to talk about business, about life, and about social and political issues. Then one day, she asked me a devastating question. She said, “How could governments give such little value to the lives of their people?”

My heart broke and I didn’t know how to respond.

I guess everything here is in effort to understand it.

Celebration and envy are equally powerful emotions

When someone does something incredible, you have a choice to either envy them or get inspired by them. I promise you they’re equally powerful emotions.

(Especially true for things that you feel you could have done)

There’s always more where that came from

A powerful business and life mindset.

When we give to others: There’s always more that we can give

When customers purchase from us: There are always more people [like this person] that I can reach and impact

Trust me, there’s no “them”

This is a mindset we need to learn to embrace. Sooner.

That perhaps the people we judge are just the people who didn’t have the same luxuries and influences we had. That perhaps if reincarnation was real, we’re all walking reincarnations of the same being.

Read more about the article The Footwork of Negotiation

The Footwork of Negotiation

Negotiations aren’t about getting what you want, it’s about relationship building. That’s why the best negotiations don’t feel like a negotiation, but like a dance. And like dances, negotiations are supposed to be fun, where both parties should to walk away feeling closer and feeling good. What makes for a successful dance or negotiation?

Know the name of the dance: Before you can perform, you have to know what dance you’re doing so you can predict the moves they’re going to make, and why they’ll make them. Once you understand their bigger mission/vision (why they want to dance), you’ll know the name, and therefore nature of the dance. What is the timeline—is this a fast or a slow dance? How much distance should be kept in between you two? How long are the strides? You want to get into the rhythm, get into the mindset of the relationship.

Know the basic footwork: If you know the moves, you can better avoid stepping on each other’s toes: Now that you know the name of the dance, figure out the top three things they want from the deal—their KPI’s, their goals, their “non-negotiables.” That’s your basic footwork. You’ll also want to pay attention to the length of their steps—in other words, know their top / bottom line, and where you stand relative to them.

Know the art of the dance: This is the art of the dance. What are their values, and how can you factor it into the style of your “dance”? What are other circumstances that can influence that they want, and what you want?

If you’re in a negotiation (you’re always in a negotiation), try to divide your negotiation into mission, goals, and values, and figure out where you’re struggling and which area you can strengthen for better results.

Excerpt from The Triple Alignment Model

Read more about the article The Question To Diagnose Misalignment

The Question To Diagnose Misalignment

The best thing you can do when you’re feeling misaligned is to diagnose the problem at its very core. My single greatest game-changer is this: whenever I feel stressed, or dissatisfied, I ask myself—am I feeling misaligned to my mission, values, or goals?

Years ago, when I first developed The Triple Alignment Model, I wrote down these sentences. These three sentences changed my life. Since then, every single time I felt stressed, misaligned, or dissatisfied, I would refer back to them to get to the source of my frustration..

When we’re not aligned to mission, we work toward things that don’t add meaning to our lives.

When not aligned in goals, we know what we want but don’t know how to get there, so spread ourselves too thin.

When we’re not aligned to our values, we struggle to find the proper environment or support system to be ourselves.  

Excerpt from The Triple Alignment Model

Read more about the article The Indicator of Everything

The Indicator of Everything

Alignment is the essence and foundation of all the good things in life. It is the feeling of happiness, fulfillment, zen. It is the reason that you feel happy sometimes and don’t know why. It’s the smile after a long wait because you know something good is about to happen. That is alignment. 

Because truth is, you could have all the things in the world and if they’re not aligned with you, you’re not going to feel fulfilled. Fulfillment, success, happiness…these things are different for everyone, but the thing that defines them is alignment and uncovering what matters to you, and how you can build your life, your relationships, your lifestyle, and your legacy around that. 

And all the sadness, the frustration, the stress comes from misalignment. Jobs get boring because of misalignment, relationships end because of misalignment, depression is triggered because of misalignment. 

If you are someone who wants your life to stand for something, one of the best things you can do is to unravel what matters to you, and ensure that every thought, action, decision aligns with that. And I can’t ensure that I will help you find exactly what that is, but I can promise that this model will be an excellent tool in your toolbelt, and that it will not only help you better understand what alignment means for you, but also quickly recognize and diagnose misalignment when it presents itself. 

Excerpt from The Triple Alignment Model

Read more about the article The Alignment Glow

The Alignment Glow

Have you ever met anyone with the alignment glow? You know, the individuals who gleam and glow, who radiate of infectious energy. 

Most people walk but when they do, it feels more like they’re gliding, as if they had a cape on their shoulders. Something about them is just so incredibly magnetic, but you just can’t put your finger on it. 

These are the remarkable individuals of the world. The people who know exactly what they want and have this instinctive know-how of getting it. Everything they do seems to somehow lead to the right path.

And you. You want to know what it is.

It’s not just one thing. It’s actually three separate things working together as one. 

  1. The clarity and force of their mission. They have something pulling them, something so strong, so innately magnetic that it brings out a sense of unparalleled leadership and charisma. 

  2. Direction and momentum. They always seem to make the right decisions. They are strategic and artful, and everything they do aligns back to who they are and what they stand for. 

  3. Identity and self-confidence: They’re confident in who they are and what they stand for. In fact, they’re so unapologetically aware and confident that they’ll collect a tribe along the way, who stand by their side and rally for them. 

I bet you can close your eyes and think of a few of these people. It’s not that they’re magical creatures or that they were born special. It’s that they found what pulls them, and has found a way to charge in that direction, eliminate all distractions, and gather a tribe toward their mission.

The key in all of this is understanding your mission, your goals, and your values, and understanding the relationship between each. It’s taking all these separate parts and making them all support each other in a way that propels you. 

Excerpt from The Triple Alignment Model

Read more about the article The Art of Storytelling in One Word

The Art of Storytelling in One Word

Think of alignment as a story. 

The moment we set a mission for ourselves, a new story begins. The mission embodies the message of the story, and our “why” behind the story. 

Everything we do from our goals to our actions and decisions determine the plot to our story. 

The characters, the scenery, the narrator, well they paint the perspective and picture so you can better tell the story.

Excerpt from The Triple Alignment Model