Before You Give Up, Read This First. 

  • Post category:Findings

Remember that the acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades, including the kinds that come in the form of the words you swallow.

Remember that you shed your tired skin every twenty-seven days. You were not made to hold your past within you, you were not made to carry it all on your back. You physically let go of every bad thing that has ever touched you, of every pair of foreign hands that unbuttoned your shirt but never your demons; you let go of every regret, of every insecurity. You are always gifted a clean slate.

Remember that the carbon in your body is the same carbon that courses through this Earth, that makes up mountains. Let this remind you that you can stand alone, you can stand tall, for just like Everest, just like Fuji, you are a force to be reckoned with.

…Bianca Sparacino uses simple scientific facts to power magic

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