The Triple Alignment Model

The Triple Alignment Model

Triple Alignment is a state of perfect alignment where all actions, decisions, and environments are directly driving the ultimate vision

The Relationship Triangle

The Relationship Triangle

Ever wonder why sometimes love isn’t enough? The foundation of a healthy, lasting relationship requires a balance of these 3 corners of compatibility. A lack of compatibility in any one of these areas can lead to 

Partnership: Compatibility in life mission, vision, and lifestyle

Romance: Emotional, physical, and sexual compatibility

Friendship: Compatibility in values, and communication style

The 3:3 Method

The 3:3 Method

Make sure your laptop is fully charged going into your work day. Set three work goals every morning. Complete your #1 goal before your laptop runs out of battery. Take a break and recharge (your laptop and yourself). Repeat for the next two tasks. If you finish early, leave early.

It’s just something I do that’s extremely effective for me. Doesn’t require a fancy name, but it does help to remember it.